
Zero Emissions. Zero Excuses.


California has long been at the forefront of environmental and climate leadership, especially in recent decades. Political leaders commonly boast about the state’s progress and innovative approaches, and journalists report on this rhetoric as fact. But when a state claims this success, there’s little room for improvement, and consequently, no discussion for how to accelerate the progress or ensure progress is pursued equitably across California’s diverse communities.


Seeking to leverage California’s enormous influence and to build sustained pressure for policies that reduce climate-causing emissions, Earthjustice tasked RALLY with crafting a cohesive, relatable, and broadly accessible brand and narrative about its work to move California to a zero-emissions future. The result was Right to Zero, a narrative framework and brand that brought to life the possibility of a world where every community’s right to clean air and a livable climate is realized and respected.

It’s a jargon-free, visual, and vibrant brand that marries humor with honesty and optimism with accountability. Critically, there have been dozens of major policy wins along the way, including the passage of California’s Senate Bill 100, landmark legislation that mandates 100% clean energy sources for California's electricity grid by 2045. The work has been so successful that Earthjustice, with RALLY’s support, has launched similar efforts in New York and D.C. and surroundings.

RALLY has worked with several organizations to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to zero-emission fuels and energy. Examples include our Save California Solar campaign with the California Solar and Storage Association and an oil and gas accountability campaign with the Resources Legacy Fund.