Yes on 68
Yes on conservation

For a state that’s consistently a leader when it comes to environmental preservation and responsible land use, California’s parks and water systems have been historically underfunded. Prop 68 sought to change that with a statewide $4 billion water and parks bond, a landmark measure that would address environmental preservation and improve outdoor access, particularly for low-income communities.

The RALLY team is well-versed on how to create and pass statewide ballot measures, a critical venue for change in many states and especially in California. As the lead media consultant on the Yes on Proposition 68 ballot initiative, RALLY used sophisticated voter modeling to inform a targeted multi-channel media campaign aimed at educating and mobilizing critical swing voters. Additionally, RALLY led all aspects of the campaign’s digital efforts, where we leveraged a broad coalition of advocates with different perspectives and policy focuses to create a wave of content designed to engage, educate, and mobilize. The campaign was recognized with several awards, including Pollie awards for the nation’s Best Digital Video and Best Digital Campaign in support of a ballot measure. Most importantly, voter approval of Proposition 68 secured an unprecedented investment in California’s conservation programs.

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RALLY’s experience at the ballot runs deep. We’ve supported an initiative to ban single use plastic bags, helped shape major independent expenditure programs for a variety of state and local candidates, and created TV advertising, direct mail, and digital advertising for a wide range of candidates and causes. We’re proud to count the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, several politically active environmental groups, mayors, and political reform groups among our clients.