March for our lives
Not one more

School shootings have become all too common, and the thoughts and prayers offered in their wake feel insufficient. So, while our nation’s politicians wring their hands, students are understandably taking action. They’re tired of learning in fear, losing peers, and wondering if their school is next. It’s against this backdrop that the youth-led March for Our Lives movement partnered with RALLY to inspire and train a new generation of advocates and proclaim — Not One More.
Part of being a successful advocacy agency is knowing when to lead and when to get out of the way. We believe in the power of youth to drive big change. And the youth organizers behind March for Our Lives came to us with well-defined goals and ideas for what they wanted to achieve. Our job was to guide the students forward in a way that was collaborative and authentic to them. We served as both teacher and facilitator, covering the details involved in planning and executing a successful summit, while holding space by being present physically and emotionally. We worked on hard skills like organizing, messaging, policy development, and digital engagement, and on soft skills like fostering community, developing a shared vision, and finding the joy in what is difficult, personal, and emotional work. Together, we built a summit that helped position a new generation of activists to shape the country’s gun laws.

Related Work
Putting an end to senseless gun violence has been a RALLY priority since our founding. In addition to March for Our Lives, we helped launch Sandy Hook Promise following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in 2012, and in 2014 we helped create and launch the Smart Tech Challenges Foundation, an effort to save lives by advancing smart-gun technology.